Saturday, March 19, 2011

Oracle 8i Recover Database

Steps to recover a oracle 8i database, when you have the database
(provided you are having the complete directory structure)
  • in no archive log mode
  • no backups
Recovery process
  1. Backup the files (initdb.ora, pwddb.ora, oradata, admin folders and any other directory structure where tablespaces exists) from the existing structure .
  2. Copy initdb.ora & pwddb.ora files into the Oracle_Home/database directory structure, where you have installed your oracle binaries.
  3. Execute the command "ORADIM -NEW -SID sid -INTPWD password -STARTMODE m -PFILE ORACLE_HOME\DATABASE\initdb.ora"
  4. sqlplus /nolog
  5. connect internal/oracle as sysdba
  6. startup pfile= ORACLE_HOME\DATABASE\initdb.ora nomount
  7. open init.ora file and check the directory structure of the control files & copy your existing control files by creating the same directory structure.
  8. Execute the command alter database mount
  9. select * from v$controlfiles;
  10. select name from v$database;
  11. create & copy the directory structures of the data files
  12. Execute the command alter database open;
Once the database is completely mounted and opened, make sure you crosscheck
your recovered data.